2014年12月7日 星期日

One idea of Computer Technology Trend

I want to apologize I might express not good, but I try my best in the words.

so far as I know google only for crawler from pages of every web site on the internet.
but how about the information through system or the apps ?
Think that one day we don't need to type a lot word into your computer in front of the table.
we can do more like siri, make a virtual reality that time . And we don't wanna a search bar, we want some more anthropocentric that can interact with people. something call automation.
I think this concept occurred in lots of movies ,like in the movie of Resident Evil there is a little robot girl which is a computer can communicate with you.

but Steve Jobs create this possibility, I think so far only little people knew what he was doing is "one little step for man one giant leap for mankind". I think he foresee this great change of computer technology, but what he cannot do is the technique all we have enough technique fulfill this big step for now. so Steve Jobs choose take a little step to lead human forward a least before he died, pretty smart guy right?
What I really want to mention is, I know I'm not the first or only one to think about this.
That's why I want to share this here.With the limitation I know,I believe this rudimentary idea might be down in some way in near future. I present here for I know some will accomplish it or maybe in decades I'm able to make it.

If  you have anything for discussion ,I glad to know your opinion. :)

